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What is the shelf life of koi food?

- This is a difficult question to answer!  There are many reasons that your koi food can go bad - mainly temperature and moisture.  If stored correctly, your koi food can last for 6 months to a year.  Storing and preserving the food in a cool, dark environment in air tight containers is the best way to maintain freshness. A good trick to store large amounts of koi food is to use multiple containers to ensure that majority of the food that isn’t being used at the moment retains its freshness and moisture and only put in a week or two’s quantity in a small box that will be opened on a daily basis.  Many people will refrigerate or freeze extra koi food.  This is a great way to prolong the life of your food.  It is very important to thaw it out properly to ensure there is not moisture in the food.  If you see mold, please discard the food.  It is not safe to feed koi moldy food!!


Why do you not answer your phone?

- I am a single mom raising two girls and working three jobs.  I will always return calls if you leave a message.  The best way to reach me is to email me at


When will my koi food ship out and what shipping company do you use?

- It is always my goal to ship out food very quickly.  During the summer months, your food will usually ship out in a day or two.  In the winter months, it might be 3 days.  We ship out most of our 2.5 pound and 10 pound via USPS.  We ship all other orders via UPS Ground.  \



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